
Letras: a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z

Mostrando Ocurrencias para: period of the year


I. N

1. nat. moon
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Tukan uup aungai nuunik kas nangka nangka su.
    The moon (eye) is shining between the clouds.
  • Tukan seerini nainguku awas sabii ma itangi.
    The moon is full that's why it gives you bright light.


3. calendar,time month

Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Tukan pasma altingi ki nsiiki.
    I am coming at the beginning of the month.(First of the month coming around.)


2. period of the year
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Alka tukan malktinganaaki.
    The dry months coming around.


  • Etnográfica:
    The eight traditional Rama periods of the year do not correspond to occidental months. Four neologisms were created to meet the occidental view of the year.